Słownik polsko-angielski PARK Copyright: © wersja książkowa słownika dostępna w wydawnictwie PARK

i this is the house in question
~i o jego życie his life is at stake
~i o to czy... the question is whether...
to nie jest to, o co mi ~iło this is not what I wanted
jeżeli ~i o ...as far as... is concerned
jeśli o mnie ~i as for me, as far as I am concerned
~ o to, że... the point is that...
o co ci ~i? what's the matter?, what is it?, what's the (your) problem?
nie rozumiem o co ci ~i I don't get your meaning/you
~i mu tylko o twoje pieniądze all he wants is your money. 1
(być czyjąś sympatią) to go out (with)